Scientific Services
01508 489 584
At Dowrick's Scientific Services we offer a very specialist range of microscopic and macroscopic photography services
Microscopy​​ / Photography
A very impressive array of cameras, microscopes, and software enable us to deliver an impressive service that will exceed your expectations.
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Expert Witness
Just need a sound recording or photo / video ? We can provide those for your team, or we can speak up on your behalf.
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Audio Services
A selection of dedicated microphones and transducers, field recorders, 32 bit Allen and Heath mixing desk, dedicated audio software. All at your disposal along with a specialist sound engineer.
Click the picture for more details.
Video Microscopy​​
All of our equipment is kitted out with the very latest cameras that enable us to record in 4K UHD. Specialist lighting and software enable us to also deliver time-lapse videos .
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