Scientific Services
01508 489 584
It is almost impossible to give an online price indication. The very simplest of jobs can be booked-in on our "Your Needs" page and have a very clear price indication. We quote our microscope consultants very competetivly.
Other jobs must be priced individually, and are affected by so many variables. For example.
How many images / films are to be captured - bulk is cheaper.
Size of the data required - 4K UKD films take a lot longer to process than lower resolution equivalents.
Are any special chemicals required. Such as task specific stains with low shelf lives.
Is any sample processing required - sectioning, staining, etc.
Are any statistics involved - as in sperm analysis.
Is any image stacking to be done.
Is it a creative capture needing effect lighting etc.
Is any additional kit required - bespoke camera / microscope interfaces.
We will, however, give you the very best value for money.